The overall winners with highest number of points are:
First: Peter Levison
Second: Ann Cox
Joint Third: Jenny Hughes & Helen Swyer
Once again a big thank you to all entrants and all those who visited our Show on 13th June to place their votes.
We hope to see you again at our Virtual Summer Show on 8th August later this year.
Classes 1-5: Novice Classes
Class 2: Rose: one bloom
Classes 6-11: Roses
Class 6: Six Blooms - Hybrid Teas: in 1 vase, 1 bloom per stem, not less than 3 varieties
Class 7: One specimen bloom using own vase and foliage
Class 8: Three blooms - 1 variety - 1 bud, 1 half open and 1 full bloom in one vase
Class 9: Five blooms in one vase
Class 10: Three stems - Floribunda: in one vase
Class 11: One miniature rose: pot grown, pot not greater than 15cm diameter
Classes 12-20: Sweet Peas
Class 13: One vase: seven stems mixed
Class 16: One vase: seven stems: blue/mauve/lavender
Class 19: One specimen stem
Class 20: A bowl of sweet peas: not more than 15 stems arranged with any foliage
Cut Flowers: Classes 25-31
Class 29: Sweet Williams: one vase of six stems
Class 31: One vase of flowers not mentioned in classes 6-11 and 25-30
Pot Plants: Classes 32-41
Class 32: One Fuchsia: pot grown
Class 33: Five Fuchsia florets: mixed varieties, displayed on a box not greater than 30cm square.
Class 35: One Regal Pelargonium: pot grown
Class 36: One Zonal Pelargonium (geranium) pot grown
Class 37: One plant in bloom pot grown
Class 38: One foliage plant: pot grown
Class 39: Five cacti: one in each pot
Class 40: Three stems - flowering Shrubs: not greater than 60cm in height
Class 41: One hanging basket of growing plants, not greater than 36cm diameter
Classes 43-55: Vegetables and Fruit
Class 43: Nine Broad Beans
Class 45: Two loose leaf lettuce (cabbage) with root
Class 48: Three sticks of Rhubarb
Class 49: Nine pods of peas
Class 50: Any other vegetable not mentioned. See Rule 14
Class 51: Four potatoes
Class 52: One plate of strawberries (15). See Rule 17.
Class 53: One plate of Gooseberries (20). See Rule 17.
Class 54: One plate of cane fruits. See Rule 17.
Homecrafts: Classes 56-62
Class 57: 3 Fruit scones
Class 58: 3 Shortbread biscuits
Class 61: Jar of Plougham's style pickle 12oz/340g min, 16oz/454 max
Class 62: Men Only - Flapjack - 3 pieces (each piece approx 2in x 2in or 5cm x 5cm)
Photography: Classes 63-65
Class 63: Horses for courses
Class 64: A pier
Class 65: A field of colour
Floral Art: Classes 66-67
Class 66: A Bowl of Textures
Class 67: The Roaring 20s
Crafts: Classes 69-70
Class 69: A Doll made from flowerpots
Class 70: A Scenic Watercolour (A4 or smaller)
We hope you have enjoyed your visit to our Virtual Early Summer Show.
Our Summer Show on 8 August will be a Virtual Summer Show along similar lines but with a reduced number of Classes to those currently published in our 2020 Schedule. We would love for you to enter - you don't need to be a member of our Society to do so (unless a specific Class indicates for Members Only).
If you would like to be kept up-to-date with our Society meetings and activities, including our Summer Show, please join our Mailing List if you have not done so already.
Our Summer Show on 8 August will be a Virtual Summer Show along similar lines but with a reduced number of Classes to those currently published in our 2020 Schedule. We would love for you to enter - you don't need to be a member of our Society to do so (unless a specific Class indicates for Members Only).
If you would like to be kept up-to-date with our Society meetings and activities, including our Summer Show, please join our Mailing List if you have not done so already.
Every care has been taken to ensure that the information contained in this website is both accurate and up-to-date. Shoreham-by-Sea Horticultural & Allotment Society however does not accept any liability for loss, damage or inconvenience caused by information on this website, nor by errors or omission.